Just like people, dogs can suffer from varying degrees of anxiety. Most often, anxiety in dogs is a normal emotion that occurs rarely. A dog may, for example, suffer anxiety during only thunderstorms or trips to the vet. Some dogs, unfortunately, suffer from debilitating anxiety with multiple causes that can greatly detract from your canine’s overall quality of life.
If your dog suffers from severe, ongoing anxiety problems, you undoubtedly want to find a way to help them cope. Seeing your pet suffer is heartbreaking, but the good news is that there is an answer. CBD Oil is effective in managing ongoing anxiety issues in dogs.
What are the Symptoms of Anxiety in Canines?
The symptoms of anxiety in canines can vary in individual dogs. The most prevalent symptom is ongoing fear or panic in a variety of situations. These situations might include:
• Trips to the vet
• Car rides
• Bath time
• Thunderstorms
• Moving from one home to another
• An older child moving away
• A new baby entering the home
• The presence of strangers
• Home renovations
These situations are not all-inclusive. Dogs may develop a fear of any situation, even if it something they have previously been okay with. The presence of ongoing stress can affect your dog’s physical and behavioral health also. A dog with anxiety issues may present with one or all of the following symptoms:
• Weight loss or gain
• Aggressive or destructive behaviors
• Change in appetite
• Accidents in housebroken dogs or difficulty in house training in puppies
• Loss of hair
• Increased risk of common illnesses
How Does CBD Oil Help?
The scientific name for CBD is cannabidiol and it is one of the chemicals found in cannabis or hemp plants. CBD occurs naturally and interacts directly with a mammal’s endocannabinoid system, also known as the ECS. The ECS offers two-way communication with most major body systems and interacts with the processes responsible for relaxing (among other things).
The positive interaction between CBD Oil and your pet’s relaxation processes will help calm them down. Since CBD Oil interacts with the cardiovascular system, it will simultaneously slow down your dog’s heart rate and breathing rate to amplify the calming effects produced.
If you have an anxious dog, CBD Oil could be the answer to your problems. Not only does it safely interact with your dog’s major body systems and processes, but it will not get them high. THC is the chemical responsible for feeling high when using cannabis, not CBD. Before you begin giving your dog CBD Oil, however, it is highly recommended you check with your veterinarian.