A frustrating problem for many dog owners is their dog barking while they are alone at home. Loud barking can be a nuisance for neighbors and the dog feels stressed. If your dog is displaying some separation anxiety, try one of these five tips to quiet them down:

Use a Citronella Collar

A citronella collar will release a small burst of citronella when your dog barks. Dogs do not like the scent and soon learn not to bark to avoid being sprayed. The citronella option is a humane alternative to traditional shock collars. Be aware that if you have multiple dogs in the house, another dog’s barking might set off their collar. The collar is also bulky and may not fit on smaller dogs. 

Tire Them Out with Exercise

Play with your dog or take them on a walk before you leave. The exercise will get them tired and they are more likely to sleep instead of bark and howl. If you are gone for longer periods of time, consider hiring a dog walker to take them out during the middle of the day. 

Give Your Dog a Puzzle Toy

There are different toys that will challenge your dog and keep them occupied. For example, you can place small treats in the middle of a toy and they have to work to get the food out. When your dog is focused on the puzzle, they will become less concerned with being alone. 

Play Familiar Sounds in the House

When the house is empty, it is usually silent. This lack of noise and activity can distress your dog, resulting in barking. Create some sounds to make it appear as if someone is home. For example, leave the TV on or play some music on the radio. You can also purchase a white-noise machine to play soothing nature sounds while you are out. 

Use Non-Collar Devices

You can also purchase products that do not require your dog to wear a collar. For example, there are anti-barking sensors that will emit a high-pitched sound when your dog barks. Your dog will be annoyed by the sound, then stop barking. Non-collar options, such as the anti-barking sensor, tend to work particularly well for people with multiple dogs in their home. 

In Conclusion

Leaving the house can be a hassle if you have an anxious dog. Use the above methods to keep your dog occupied and calm when they are alone. If you are still experiencing troubling behavior, talk to a dog behaviorist who can help you determine the cause of your dog’s actions.