This is a true story about a dog named Bella.
I first heard about Bella’s story one day when a random post popped up on our company’s Facebook page. It was from Bella’s “Dog-Mom” Nicole Martinez. Until that day I had never heard of Bella or Nicole and while the story she told was quite amazing and one worth sharing with other dog owners, the story she told was not entirely uncommon and here’s why; because we, like so many others have heard so many similarly positive things about the real “star” of the story… and as it turns out it wasn’t Bella after all. (Although she did play a big part)
That’s right, the star of the story was a “new” organic ingredient that has been creating a lot of buzz in recent months. But this buzz has also been surrounded by much confusion about what exactly it is and why and how it is used. This article addresses those basic questions and gives a good baseline knowledge of Hemp CBD.
Perhaps you’ve heard about it too but weren’t sure about how and if it could help your own dogs. We’ll get back to that in a minute but first, let’s T